MIS ERP Integration
& Communication

Enhance operational efficiency,
collaboration, and competitiveness

Easy integration
with your existing software

Share data seamlessly throughout your production ecosystem.

It starts with our easy integration system for prepress, JMF/JDF, and web-to-pack software.

Our unique approach allows real-time data exchange between apps/software and the MIS.

PrePress Integration

Create a bridge between the packaging design data, including packaging CAD, and the HiFlow MIS system.


Integrate any web-to-print or web-to-pack solution into your ecosystem, with seamless interfaces with jobs, products, inventory, and invoices.

Direct Connection =
Real-time data

Leverage all the data your plant produces by enabling the DMI module. A DMI allows for real-time monitoring of machine performance and production processes. This instant visibility enables manufacturers to monitor key metrics that optimize production.


  • Real-time Monitoring and Control.
  • Compliance and Traceability.
  • Optimized Resource Utilization.
  • Reduced Downtime.
Direct Machine Interface (DMI)

Having a DMI (Direct Machine Interface) is key to unlocking the power of Industry 4.0 and IoT for your packaging business.

Control & Monitor Supply Chains

Seamlessly integrate supply chain management systems.

Automate the exchange of data with buyers and suppliers, such as purchase orders and invoices. This significantly reduces the time required for document processing, leading to faster and more efficient transactions among suppliers, buyers, and couriers.

EDI Buyer Integration

An EDI Buyer Integration simplifies the purchasing process and reduces the time it takes to fulfill orders.

EDI Supplier Integration

Streamline the procurement process and get real-time access to supplier information.

Courier Integration

Automate the process of creating shipping labels, tracking shipments, and managing deliveries. HiFlow integrations include FedEx, UPS, USPS and DHL.

Collaboration inspires success

“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.”
– Henry Ford

Facilitate collaboration among teams, departments, customers, suppliers and external partners.

And be proactively informed of issues in real time, before they worsen. The ultimate result? A greatly improved customer experience.


Improve internal communications, automated email alerts; track all communication related to a particular job.

Alerts & Notifications

Anticipate and prevent issues by creating rule-based alerts and set up triggers based on specific events or conditions.

Communication management software that creates organizational efficiency.

MIS ERP Integration & Communication Solutions

Find out more

Schedule a walkthrough of our software with our technical staff, customized to address the unique needs of YOUR company.

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